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S/Y Bloody Mary

 Trans Atlantic Crossing May - Aug 2008


August 10: Sigve and crew has arrived Scotland and are now ankered up in Port Augusta on the Caledonian Canal. Crossing Loch Ness tomorrow. Due to engine problems they choosed the canal instead of sailing north of the Orkney islands. The plan is to cross the North Sea at the end of the week and arrive Bømlo Friday 15th. We salute their impressing achievment and wish them luch on this last leg of the trip. Welcome home to Norway after this 4 month Atlantic crossing.

July 02: Sigve and David has arrived the Azores today. 5 whales each 10 meter long were crossing under the ship the day before arrival. Sigve reports of great food and a fantastic island of Horta. Even better than St.Maarten, but who wouldn't be happy after 25 days at sea. Congratulations on this milestone of the voyage.

June 24th: Sigve and David is now only 600 nautic miles from the Azores. Blue whales and blue Marlins are visiting their ship and a Barracuda has provided them with daily dinners. Expected arrival at the Azores is June 30th. Happy sails!

April 18th: Captain Sigve Martinsen and his crew left Friday from Frankfurt to the Carribien to join his ship on the first leg from Venezuela to St.Marteen and Virgin Islands.

April 23rd: Preparations are ongoing in Medregal Village in Venezuela. The rest of the crew arrive Isla Margarita today Wednesday. Bloody Mary is expected to set sail for St.Marteen Saturday April 26th. Expected arrival at St.Marteen is May 1st. See guestbook ("Gjestebok") for details.

April 26: Bloody Mary is now at sea sailing! Everything working perfect up along Tobago, Barbados, Martinique, Dominique and Antigua. Sounds like music? You bet, even better.

April 30: Bloody Mary has arrived the island of St.Marteen after 5 days at sea. The voyage started with high winds and heavy seas. One huge wave hit the ship and destroyed computer and mapping program during the first night. The rest of the trip was calmer with huge 25 feet orcas following the ship and splashing water over it. The crew are now enjoying cold beers and having a ball in the palm coves around St.Marteen. Further info will be in Norwegian on the logg pages.

May 04: The ship is now in dock at St. Marteen for upgrade of radar and equipment. Monica and Bjørn Hroar have left back to Norway and new crew is arriving. Bloody-Mary will stay in St.Marteen untill May 25th.

June 04: Bloody Mary is setting sail for Azorene today at 0800 local time in St.Maarten. Crew is David from USA and captain Martinsen. Expected arrival in the Azores is June 25. We wish them a happy voyage!

Bloody Mary has an Iridium phone no: 881631634587. The ship can be reach by other iridium phones for short sms info.

Contact us: S/Y "Bloody Mary"  

















Updated 17.08.2008